The Low Current System also known as Extra-Low Voltage system is a discipline of the Electrical Engineering systems that operate and function using low current signals with extra-low voltage. Low Current System infrastructure is a central part of any new building construction from residential, hotel, commercial complexes, or smart-university campuses.
At Smart Zone we design and install the Low Current Systems’ infrastructure to meet our customer’s needs by using a broad range of computational tools. One of our main activities is strategic technical training and seminars, we believe that building trust and confidence comes from knowledgeable clients in the fields that we working in, for this we conduct training session almost every month in the following fields: CCTV Security Solution, Plate Recognition System, Audio Visual System and IP Telephony.
The service of Execution Supervision involves providing qualified engineers and specialists, both onsite and offsite, to assist clients in the management and implementation of ICT and LC scopes across various industries.
Our qualified and certified design engineers have an in-depth understanding of integrated ICT/LC design and engineering requirements.
We follow a proven methodology in design and engineering. Design phases are governed by a well-proven project management approach executed by skilled design engineers and supported by draftsmen and documentation officers.
A fully-fledged onsite installation and integration office that brings Telecom And Low Current Systems live, delivering the intended functionalities and features.
Whether products are from the same manufacturer or different manufacturers, we specialize in integrating and bringing together various technology systems to deliver fully-integrated turnkey technologies.
We continuously support our clients with highly skilled resources as part of a support center designed based on international standards.
Operation and Management support can be provided both onsite and offsite depending on client needs and preferences. We bring international manufacturer support services Locally for our clients through a single center that delivers integrated support service..
Widely spread in the spectrum of a project which add to its complexity.
Consequences of mis-management could cause major damage.
Major saving can be achieved with proper management.
ELV Systems are a revenue generating product on an ongoing basis.
Therefore, LCS system integration attracts a particular attention to project Owners, and end users.
Very complex in its integration (within the building, between zones and on the overall site) it requires a focus on the Technical Design Authority (TDA).
OPTIMIZA’s Mega Project Business Unit provides turnkey/end-to-end IT/LC Systems Integration solutions. Our IT/LC solutions fall under four main technology towers. Our expertise and specialization have been developed and focused on delivering such solutions with complete integration, based on industry best practices.